Lola and her mother visit Zora, a beekeeper, where Lola learns about bees and the work of a beekeeper. Lola then decides to plant seeds at home to help bees, in this informative addition to the series.
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Other books by this author
Leo and his mother meet Yu and her mom for a summer day of play in the park, which ends with a picnic. In another picture book by the same author (this one illustrated in a similar style by Rosalind Beardshaw), Lola’s Nana-Bibi Comes to Visit (opens in a new window), Lola and her parents prepare for a visit from Lola’s grandmother. Together the family shares everyday pleasures from cooking to hair braiding. Leo and Lola remind us that there is joy in commonplace activities.
Leo at the Park
Young Leo and his dad enjoy a day exploring nature, observing small creatures, and looking at trees and animals. Realistic illustrations and simple language enhance the shared joy.
Leo on a Hike
Lola at the Library
Lola and her family prepare for the first day of preschool the night before, then get up early, take pictures, and head to class. Lola puts her things in her cubby, chooses her activities, reads, plays, and has a snack. Before she knows it, it’s time to sing the good-bye song and rush into Mommy’s arms for a warm reunion.
Lola Goes to School
Lola wants a garden like the girl in her library book (“Mary, Mary, quite contrary,/how does your garden grow?”). Together with her mom, they get ready and plant and patiently await the flowers. Childlike illustrations capture Lola’s joy in the experience.
Lola Plants a Garden
Lola is excited that she’s going to become a big sister. She and her parents are prepared for Leo’s arrival — especially Lola who reads to him on every occasion! Warm paintings illustrate this gently, recognizable look at one family’s everyday goings-on.