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Why is a community of writers so important?

From finding opportunities for students to share ideas, give feedback, and draw together to grow their writing skills to teachers modeling writing and revision, Joan Sedita, founder of Keys to Literacy, says that establishing a community of writers helps young students become more engaged and motivated to learn to write.

Can young children really learn to write?

Some people believe that kids in K-2nd are too young to learn the skills like critical thinking, text structure, and sentence development that are necessary to write. Joan Sedita, founder of Keys to Literacy, disagrees. She says young kids can learn to express themselves and to grow and revise their ideas through oral language and drawing.

What are the four stages of the writing process?

Joan Sedita, founder of Keys to Literacy, talks about the four main stages of writing: thinking, planning, writing, and revising and the fact that the more time and effort students put into the first two stages and the last stage, the better their writing will be.

What are the two steps of revising writing?

Joan Sedita, founder of Keys to Literacy, explains the two key steps students need to learn in the revision process when writing: thinking critically about what they have written and how they can make improvements and proofreading.
