Explore the weather!

The featured books are Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett and the nonfiction book Weather by Seymour Simon. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs tells a tall but tasty tale of wacky weather. In the town of Chewandswallow, the weather provides three delicious meals a day. But when severe weather comes to town bringing storms of gigantic food, Chewandswallow residents must figure out how to save themselves. In Weather, noted science writer Seymour Simon uses photographs to help explain what weather is. Readers are introduced to how general weather conditions are formed and the type of instruments used to help predict the weather.
Get the books
The featured books were chosen for their quality and availability in most school and public libraries. For other book suggestions, check out the bookmark in the PDF.

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

What’s in the reading adventure pack?
- Parent information sheet with an introductory note that teachers can personalize, instructions about how to use the packet, and tips for sharing fiction and nonfiction books with children
- Two books: one fiction and one nonfiction, selected by Reading Rockets for high quality and wide availability in school libraries
- Creativity Activity: a hands-on craft project
- Imagination Activity: encourages imaginative play, writing, or drawing
- Get Real Activity: focuses on real-world experiences for parent and child
- Bookmark: lists the featured titles and alternative titles
- Parent survey
While designed as a school-to-home project, reading adventure packs are also great for summer programs, after-school programs, and home-schoolers.
Interested in more reading adventures?
Browse our full library of Reading Adventure Packs. And for additional information, read the article, Reading Adventure Packs: A School-to-Home Project.