This full set of 8 activities features familiar characters from PBS KIDS programs Word World, Super Why!, Sesame Street, Between the Lions, and Martha Speaks. (In English and Spanish)
- Download the full set (4MB PDF)*
Sample activity sheet

Download individual activity sheets

- Build a Word and Build a Fruit Salad/Construye la palabra y haz la ensalada de frutas (798K PDF)
- Alpha Pig’s Name Game/El juego de los nombres de Alpha Pig (1.5MB PDF)
- Shopping for Letters/Comprando letras (673K PDF)
- Grocery List Mix-Up/La lista de supermercado equivocada (837K PDF)
- Make a Grocery List/¡Haz una lista para el supermercado! (813K PDF)
- Lions Love the Letter L/Los leones aman la letra “L” (1.5MB PDF)
- Vocabulary Hunt/En busca de vocabulario (1MB PDF)
- Supermarket Words/Palabras del supermercado (789K PDF)
About these activities
These activity sheets were developed by PBS KIDS Raising Readers , a national literacy campaign and part of the Ready To Learn initiative, focused on building reading skills at home, at school, in child care, and in the community.
Funded by a Ready To Learn grant from the United States Department of Education, the Ready To Learn initiative is developing engaging PBS KIDS Raising Readers television programs, exciting games, playful websites, and easy-to-use learning resources for kids, parents, caregivers, and teachers — all with the goal of helping children ages 2 to 8 get ready to read. Visit the PBS KIDS Raising Readers website.