Join the parents of a bald little baby as she (or is it he?) plays imaginatively in the bathtub and grows out of diapers (opens in a new window) in two charmingly simple board books. Each is sure to engage both adults and children as they grow.
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Holiday Buying Guide 2010
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A pacifier is the familiar security object featured in this board book. The child, drawn in bold line on brightly colored backgrounds, remains the focus as he learns about binkies!

A blanket is the familiar security object featured in this board book. The child, drawn in bold line on brightly colored backgrounds, remains the focus as he learns about blankies!

In this introduction to Halloween for the young, a child and parents choose a pumpkin, carve it, make a costume and then go trick or treating. Patricelli’s signature child is initially fearful of the costumed creatures gathering treats but comes to appreciate it by the end. Humorous illustrations and brief text are ideal to share with first time trick or treaters.
Boo! / ¡Bu!

What does the baby get for his birthday? A big, brown box - just right to stand on to become taller, to hug, and to hold a dog named Oscar. Oscar and the narrator use the box for imaginative adventures and inventive play - and to sit in to eat birthday cake! Bright, boldly outlined illustrations and a simple text communicate the joy of creative play.
The Birthday Box

Zack, Andy, and Penelope slept all night but not Petra. No matter what her siblings suggested, Petra was afraid of monsters. When they meet a three-eyed monster with four arms, Petra discovers that the monster is as fearful as she is. Together they enjoy a monstrous good time until the pups’ parents carry them off to bed. Naive illustrations extend the familiar theme and its cozy resolution.
The Patterson Puppies and the Midnight Monster Party

To begin the family frolic, the bald, comically illustrated but appealing baby asserts, “I am NOT ticklish!” Father and child are joined by mom and pets until it’s time to start again. The same baby and family explore bodily noises in Toot (opens in a new window) (Candlewick).