A confident little girl imagines what her day would be like if she ran the country: There would be executive orders to give, babies to kiss, tuna casseroles to veto, and so much more! Not to mention that recess would definitely require more security.
Other books by this author

The day was perfect for cat, dog, bird, and squirrel who wanted nothing more than the warm sun, cool water, seeds, and corn. Each enjoyed their perfection until a large carnivore arrived on the scene! Textured illustrations with a lighthearted text effectively tell the story of a perfect day — at least for one large mammal!
A Perfect Day

When Quincy leaves her tour of the White House, she sees a tall man standing over the Gettysburg Address. Quincy shares jokes with the ghost and helps him realize that the states are indeed united. The tall, pale ghost of Abe Lincoln can now rest easy.
Abe Lincoln’s Dream

Fact and fiction, old and new styles of illustration, wit and seriousness combine in this pithy, lighthearted look at four luminaries in American history. Only mature readers will appreciate the title’s name play but are sure to chuckle at the take on John Hancock, Paul Revere, George Washington and Ben Franklin. Fact is clearly differentiated from fun at book’s end.
John, Paul, George and Ben

The Happy Hocky Family

A colony of penguins, a pod of whales, a formation of rocks, and other groups of animate and inanimate things bring a lonely child to his own group. The joyful reunion creates a family. Stylized illustrations are rich with humor and liveliness, deserving of many readings.