A little boy prepares his puppy for bed in his basket, recalling the everyday adventures they shared. Of course, the sleepy puppy winds up cuddled in bed with the boy. Rhyming text follow the familiar lullaby, “Hush Little Baby.”
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Animal Babies
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Lyrical rhymes and gorgeous color photographs capture the magic of winter. The combination of image and word also explores the water cycle and animals in the winter. This handsome book is a worthy companion to the author’s Raindrops Roll (opens in a new window).
Best in Snow

Rhythmic text and lush illustrations invite young readers (or listeners) to eat like a bear from April until midwinter. Textured illustrations and more thorough backmatter conclude this engaging introduction to brown bears and their habitat.
Eat Like a Bear

A mother humpback whale and her calf travel from the Caribbean Sea to the coast of New England and back over a year. Informative text is formatted to be read as a whole or in chunks and illustrated with luminous pastel illustrations. Additional information is included.
Here Come the Humpbacks!

Rich, active verbs challenge readers to swoop, scoop, “dip your dewlap”, and more just like the lizards of varying sizes and colors that are depicted. Text swirls throughout each attractive, informative page. Additional information about the lizards presented concludes the book, sure to inspire movement, language, and further investigation of reptiles.
Like a Lizard

Meet a family of howler monkeys (who get their name from the loud calls they make “Woo-hoo-hoo! AH-UH-OH!”). An engaging, rhyming text that introduces their habits and where they live combines with soft-lined, richly colored illustrations. Additional factual material is presented on each double-page in a different typeface. A map and greater detail conclude this informative, appealing book.
Meet the Howlers

While you’re on the beach, you can count from 1 to 10 by feet — combining numbers of feet and then multiplying them all the way to 100, which is ten crabs … or 100 snails if you really count slowly! Colorful, bug-eyed, cartoon-like critters further enliven this jaunty approach to numbers.
One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab: A Counting by Feet Book

Stunning photographs accompanied by lyrical text describe rain and its effects in a rainforest and on people. This handsome book can be read as poetry, examined for its photography, and/or used as an introduction to the water cycle and weather.
Raindrops Roll

Poetic language provides an introduction to squirrels, their habitats, and behaviors. Collage illustration enhances the information and the energetic tone. Additional information finishes this attractive and informative book.
Squirrels Leap, Squirrels Sleep

Though few have ever considered dust – what it is or where it came from – this informative, evocative book may change that. Consider, for example, that the film on a computer screen may have been the dust on a dinosaur. Poetic language and suggestive illustrations pique interest through their simplicity.
Stars Beneath Your Bed: The Surprising Story of Dust

The natural world is presented in gorgeous photographs combined with lyrical language to present this “love letter to our planet.” Included at the end are tangible ways for young readers to actively engage and learn about the world in which they live.
Thank You, Earth

As two children and their fathers explore a stream and its natural riches, a straightforward text explains how trout are made of trees — just like the bears and people who catch and eat the trout. Warmly hued, textured collages illuminate a down-to-earth, understandable story of a stream habitat.
Trout Are Made of Trees

Different woodpeckers swoop, slam, tap, click, and grow throughout the seasons. They are introduced in handsome collage illustrations and a rhythmic text which uses alliteration and onomatopoeia to bring the birds alive. Additional details and identification is included at the conclusion.