As a young student, Mayor wondered: Is the mythical griffin based on ancient people’s interpretations of dinosaur bones? This biography shares her fascinating efforts to prove her theory correct and reveals other connections between science and human myth as well. (School Library Journal)
Other books by this author

The search for the man who beat a steam engine unfolds in words and pictures. The mystery in history is sure to intrigue readers.
Ain’t Nothing but a Man: My Quest to Find the Real John Henry

A fictionalized journal of a prospector brings the Gold Rush to life for readers. Fact and fiction are clearly differentiated while enlivening the history.
How to Get Rich in the California Gold Rush: An Adventurer’s Guide to the Fabulous Riches Discovered in 1848

Another fictionalized account which brings to life westward expansion. As with …California Gold Rush, fact is made distinct from fiction.
How to Get Rich on the Oregon Trail

No matter how much is known, there’s always more to learn. In a fascinating re-examination of Stonehenge and recent discoveries, readers are introduced to new interpretations and thinking.
If Stones Could Speak: Unlocking the Secrets of Stonehenge

In 2008, Lee Berger and his 9-year old son discovered two well preserved fossils, ancestors of modern man. The process as much as the ripples the discovery created remind readers that information is dynamic.
The Skull in the Rock: How a Scientist, a Boy, and Google Earth Opened a New Window on Human Origins

The world was changed forever in 1492. The impact of explorers and exploration is examined and placed in a broader context with complete documentation and resources noted.
The World Made New: Why the Age of Exploration Happened and How It Changed the World

How 33 Chilean miners were rescued from a copper mine dominated the media in 2010. It is recounted here using primary sources, scientific explanations, and a riveting narrative.