Other books by this author

Peter finds a special way to invite Amy, the only girl and a singular friend, to his birthday party. But the wind catches his letter just as he puts it in the mailbox. Keats’ well-liked character (first introduced in A Snowy Day) is back for another everyday drama.
A Letter to Amy

Jennie’s favorite aunt is sending her a new hat, and Jennie is sure it will be beautiful. But when the box arrives, the hat inside is very plain. She had imagined a wonderful hat with big colorful flowers and even tries to make her own hat from a straw basket! Jennie is almost ready to give up on her dream when she receives a fanciful surprise from some very special friends.
Jennie’s Hat

John Henry was born to be a hero — strong, competitive and determined. The legendary steel-driving man brought to life through Ezra Jack Keat’s collage illustrations and jaunty text is again available hardcover in honor of its 50th anniversary.
John Henry: An American Legend

Juanito is miserable — his family has just moved to New York, and because he only speaks Spanish, he has no one to talk to. What’s more, his dog, Pepito, is lost! Juanito knows that most of his neighbors won’t understand “Mi perro se ha perdido,” so he asks a man at the bank to help him make a sign in English. Suddenly, people all over the city want to help Juanito find Pepito…and the search is on!
My Dog Is Lost

Peter did not want to give up his things from babyhood, especially his old blue chair. When he recognizes that he has outgrown his once favorite chair, he helps his father paint it for his new sister. This modern classic is illustrated in textured collage and unaffected text.
Peter’s Chair

The simple tale of a boy waking up to discover that snow has fallen during the night. The little boy celebrates the snow-draped city with a day of humble adventures.
The Snowy Day

Un Día de Nieve es un cuento simple y entrañable sobre un niño que al despertar descubre que ha nevado durante la noche. El niño celebra la nevada disfrutando de un día de aventuras en su bello y nevado vecindario. Querido por generaciones de lectores, este clásico galardonado con el premio Caldecott es considerado uno de los más grandes libros infantiles publicados.
Un Día de Nieve

Oh, how Peter wished he could whistle to call his dog, Willie. Try as he might, he just couldn’t seem to make the sound come out — until one day he could! The simple description of a child’s yearning is told in natural language and charming collage illustrations.