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Can an MRI diagnose dyslexia in an individual child

“We have a lot of inquiries from parents who really would like us to do an MRI on their child because they feel their child is a struggling reader and the school isn’t recognizing it. And they’re hoping that the brain scan will show it. But that’s not how we use the brain scans. We really do look at data for a group. We do look at individual variation, but we wouldn’t be able to go in and look at one scan and say, ‘This is a child who has dyslexia.’”

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Guinevere Eden


Guinevere Eden

Dr. Guinevere Eden is a professor in the department of pediatrics and director of the Center for the Study of Learning (CSL) at Georgetown University. She uses MRI scans to map brain activity and study the biological signs of dyslexia. Eden hopes that this will soon make it possible to diagnose dyslexia very early in children.
