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Research Report

Teachers’ use of questions during shared book reading: Relations to child responses

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This study examined the extent to which preschool teachers used different types of questions during classroom-based shared book reading. The goals were to describe the question wording teachers use to elicit child responses and to consider sequential relations between types of question wording and student responses. Only 24 percent of what teachers said outside of reading the text were questions – and those that they did ask were usually too simple. Most teacher questions were easy for children to answer accurately or with a single word, indicating that teachers are not adjusting their questioning techniques to a level of challenge that is just above children’s overall level of mastery. Important implications of these findings are discussed for educators as well as curriculum developers.


Laura M. Justice, Richa Deshmukh, Tricia Zucker , Sherine Tambyraja, Jill Pentimonti, and Ryan Bowles. Teachers’ use of questions during shared book reading: Relations to child responses. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 49 (4), June 2019, pages 59-68.

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