Books by this author

Lily wanted a dog but instead gets a tiny, fluffy kitty. Could that small feline cause all of the trouble and mess in Lily’s house? Lily thinks so, telling the poor thing that it’s a “naughty kitty!” But readers realize from the first end pages what Lily doesn’t see. Hilarious action in comic illustration let readers stay ahead of Lily and her ultimately lionized kitty.
Naughty Kitty!

Lily has always wanted a dog and so was thrilled to find something wonderful, big and brown with a wet nose, in her garden. The unusual dog’s owner collects it soon enough but not before Lily and her pet share routine but fun, doggy adventures. The understated humor is presented in comic illustrations and restrained text which lead to a very satisfying conclusion.
Silly Doggy!
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Themed Booklist
Start the Year with a Chortle
Themed Booklist
Summer Reading Guide 2012
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