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Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade

Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade

This practice guide provides four recommendations for teaching foundational reading skills to students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Each recommendation includes implementation steps and solutions for common obstacles. The recommendation also summarize and rate supporting evidence. This guide is geared towards teachers, administrators, and other educators who want to improve their students’ foundational reading skills, and is a companion to the practice guide, Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade.

Teachers’ Guide from Reading Rockets

Teachers’ Guide from Reading Rockets

Created for preschool through second grade teachers, our Teachers’ Guide lists typical reading achievements by grade level and suggests how teachers can foster the development of phonemic awareness, fluency, spelling, writing, and comprehension skills.

Why Teach Spelling?

Why Teach Spelling?

This resource brings together three documents that support the teaching of spelling in today’s schools: a discussion of why spelling matters, a checklist for evaluating a spelling program, and tables of Common Core State Standards that are linked to spelling instruction. Also included is a downloadable checklist for use in evaluating your own spelling program.
