Is Hanukkah really all about dancing dreidels and high-flying latkes? Maybe not, but Eric Kimmel and Jon Goodell have put these devilish phenomena to good use in a lighthearted story that teaches Hanukkah traditions — from kazatzkas to gelt — along with a wise, timeless moral.
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Anansi is a known charlatan, so he gets little sympathy when Turtle eats all of the fish that Anansi has learned to catch. But the reader knows that the trickster has not really learned a lesson! Sly humor abounds in both text and image in this lively retelling.
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Run, run, run just as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man! After escaping the kitchen, the Gingerbread Man taunts a number of animals until he is eaten by a wily fox. But don’t worry about this Gingerbread Man, he’ll come back when you make your own gingerbread cookies!
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Traction Man is back! In this adventure Traction Man takes on a compost heap, loses his trusty Scrubbing Brush, and meets Turbo Dog — all with tongue-in-cheek humor in both comic-strip-like illustrations and understated language.