Other books by this author

All it takes is…one hand/One smile/A single voice… to achieve it; and children everywhere can “spread a little peace”. Full color photographs taken around the world (and sourced at the end) along with a concluding note from the president of the U.S. Institute of Peace concludes this exceptional concept book.
A Little Peace

Every day children around the world awake to begin their days having breakfast, going to school, coming home to families. A poetic text combines with photographs from myriad countries to visually highlight the richness of the world and its people.
One World, One Day

Mr. Hawkins was a 19th century British artist with a passion for dinosaurs. This illustrated biography introduces the man, his time, and how he worked both to satisfy his own curiosity and stimulate that same curiosity in others. Additional notes from both the author and illustrator provide insight into the person and how his knowledge evolved.
The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins

Mark Twain’s daughter, Susy, writes a journal to set the record straight about her famous writer father. Cleverly formatted as a book within a book, illustrations, journal, and narration (in Susy’s voice) present a readable, engaging, and documented look at the writer and his family.
The Extraordinary Mark Twain

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were very different in everything from appearance to what they liked to do. But they agreed on one thing: King George of England was a tyrant! This lighter look at American history is factual and informative and may be just the introduction to Independence Day as well as two of its key figures.
Those Rebels, John and Tom

What must it be like to live in the White House, especially if you’re not at all like other children of your time? Read about Alice — Theodore Roosevelt’s oldest child — and her unconventional approach to life in the White House.