How many ways can eggs be prepared? Well, the foxy waitress who serves the various animals in this diner finds out! Cheery text combined with lighthearted, sprightly illustrations create a look at late night food fare.
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Bunny and mouse are friends who discover fun and mischief when the weather won’t allow them to play outdoors. But when the rain stops, “slippery drippy everything” makes mud — oh, so much fun in which to play! Simple language and expressive illustrations convey the child-like joy of play.
Bunny Fun
Sarah Weeks
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0-3 Genre:
Looking straight at the reader, Sophie Peterman gives them the actual lowdown on a new sibling in the family and why you should never admit you like them, until Sophie let slips otherwise. Humor and wisdom combine in this seamless combination of text and image.
Book Details
Sophie Peterman Tells the Truth
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Robert Neubecker Age Level: