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Everyone feels different sometimes, even someone who is not really all that different. But like Shrek and other characters from folktales, making one’s own way can be the key to happiness! Be sure to read William Steig’s picture book, Shrek! (opens in a new window) in which ugly takes on new meaning and wordplay abounds (for readers 3-6).

Babushka Baba Yaga (opens in a new window)
by Patricia Polacco
Baba Yaga, the feared but misunderstood witch who rules the forest, disguises herself so that she can experience the joys of a grandmother just like the village babushkas. Others learn that appearances and rumor are not the way to judge a person — even a witch.

Frog Prince Continued (opens in a new window)
by Jon Scieszka, illustrated by Steve Johnson
Everyone knows that once the poor frog was turned into a handsome prince by a kiss, the royal duo lived happily ever after, right? Well, maybe not! Being a prince comes with its own special set of problems, revealed in this traditional tale…continued.

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