Chester the snail sets up a contest between his friends Gonk the toad and Beezy the lizard to see who can make the best graph. Points will be given for correct math, creativity, and neatness. Beezy and Gonk explore information collection (tallies and surveys) and the use of graphic organizers (Venn diagrams, quantity graphs, circle graphs, picture graphs, and bar graphs). In the end, kids can look at Chester’s graphically designed score sheet and see that the result is a tie.
Other books by this author

A girl maps her dog Penny’s world from her room, to the neighborhood as well as the tools she uses.
Mapping Penny’s World

Lisa has an important homework assignment — to measure something in several different ways. She has to use standard units like inches and nonstandard units like paper clips to find out height, width, length, weight, volume, temperature, and time. Lisa decides to measure her dog, Penny, and finds out … Penny’s nose = 1 inch long, Penny’s tail = 1 dog biscuit long, and Penny’s paw print = 3 centimeters wide … and that’s only the beginning! Lisa learns a lot about her dog and about measuring, and even has fun doing it.
Measuring Penny

The word “mom” has it; so does a butterfly. Once you know what it is, you see it everywhere! A clear introduction to the topic is presented in accessible language and crisp, well-labeled illustrations in a colorful format. Suggestions for activities, a lucid explanation of its importance in math, and a glossary conclude this attractive volume.
Seeing Symmetry

Whose footprints are those? Even if you don’t know, turn the page to find out or who likes to play in water and more. Animals and insects — and even a young child — have footprints that provide clues and a touch of information. Realistic illustrations add fun and fact.
Step by Step

This lighthearted look at the many sources of energy provides an introduction to physical and environmental science, informing while entertaining. Illustrations combine factual graphics and cartoon-like characters. Additional information about energy concludes this playful look at a serious topic.
The Shocking Truth About Energy

This inviting book is truly the cat’s pajamas! Familiar adages are organized by animal and explained through text and lively illustrations that jump around and over each large page.