Rabbi Loew shapes a giant man of clay–a golem–and brings him to life to defend the Jews of Prague from their persecutors, revealing the consequences of unleashing power beyond human control.
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Product Description: The ancient Mayan belief that the future was divinely decreed and could not be changed is the basis for this original tale of a boy who must defeat the Rain God in a ball game to save his people from disaster. Mayan art and architecture were the inspiration for the spectacular cut-paper artwork.
Book Details
Rain Player
David Wisniewski
Age Level:
The “chubby champion” of the title is brightly colored, larger than life and very heroic! In fact,“If Mount Fuji blows its stack, If a monster should attack, Don’t just hide inside your house! Give a call for Sumo Mouse!” Illustrations of cutout paper, placed in an almost comic book format, move this humorous parody along.
Sumo Mouse
David Wisniewski
Age Level:
6-9 Genre: