In this springtime tale, a young girl and her father plant a flower box together.
Other books by this author

When his grandfather arrives from Mexico, Francisco helps him find work as a gardener even though he is really a carpenter. When they mistakenly pull all the plants but leave the weeds, Abuelo, upset at Francisco’s lie, refuses to accept payment until the job is done correctly.
A Day’s Work

Tony is not looking forward to his family’s annual picnic at Liberty Island in October. Nevertheless, his grandmother insists that they maintain the tradition of celebrating her birthday with Lady Liberty. At first it doesn’t seem like much fun — until Tony finally begins to understand why the Statue of Liberty means so much to his grandmother. Lovely colorful acrylic paintings bring this special tribute to life.
A Picnic in October

Mr. and Mrs. Moose invite all their animal friends for Thanksgiving dinner. The only one missing is Turkey. They set out to find him, not realizing that Turkey is quaking with fear because he thinks his hosts want him on their table, not at it.
A Turkey for Thanksgiving

When Zoe and her family move to the Nebraska prairie, it is the isolation and sameness of the landscape that depresses her mother most. A simple clump of dandelions planted on the roof of their sod house, however, provides color and hope.

Eve Bunting tells the inspiring true story of the first Ellis Island immigrant, fifteen-year-old Annie Moore of Cork, Ireland. An afterword provides information about Annie and her family. Photos are paired with the vibrant illustrations.
Dreaming of America: An Ellis Island Story

A rubber duck is among the bathtub toys washed overboard and into the ocean. After a long journey, the duck narrator is found by a child. Inspired by actual events and vividly illustrated with textured paper cut images.

A homeless boy and his dad make their home in a busy airport.
Fly Away Home

Mama and Papa are excited to take a break from working in the fields and go home, but Carlos and his sisters are not sure how they feel about traveling to Mexico. Soon after arriving, however, they meet their loving extended family, and the children begin to understand what it meant for their parents to leave home in order to offer the family a better future. David Diaz’s stunning illustrations layered on top of photos of Mexican folk art bring Eve Bunting’s beautiful story to life.
Going Home

After the soldiers come, Papa tells his family that they must leave everything behind and set sail for America. The journey across the Caribbean is dangerous and long, and our narrator and his little sister keep asking — just how many days is it to America? Prolific children’s author Eve Bunting, herself an immigrant from Ireland, shares the story of a new generation of pilgrims who are willing to risk their lives to look for freedom in America.
How Many Days to America? A Thanksgiving Story

In this heartwarming story, Farah is trying to get used to a new country and language. She knows what’s happening around her, but without the words to say what she’s thinking in English, she feels alienated from her classmates. A trip to the apple orchard helps her begin to bridge those gaps, however, and she realizes that “Laughs sound the same as at home.” As she practices her first “outside-myself word,” she knows that she will be able to say more in time. Beautiful watercolor illustrations bring Farah, her classmates, and the apple orchard to life.
One Green Apple

“There’s nothing you can’t learn to do when you have books.” Eve Bunting’s characters take this lesson to heart when they learn that their library will be closing. From painting the roof to speaking wisely to grumpy beavers, they learn everything they need to know to save the library. Lovely and bright illustrations will appeal to young readers.
Our Library

In this Caldecott Medal book, a boy and his mother come to know a Korean neighbor when their cats escape during the Los Angeles riots. Boldly colored paintings and textured collage illustrations help distance readers while evoking the tension of the time.
Smoky Night

All the more moving in its restraint, this picture-book account of a fictional family reveals, with gentle dignity, a sad chapter in American history. Laura Iwasaki and her Japanese-American family will soon move from California to Boston, so they are making one last visit to Laura’s grandfather’s grave, which lies near the Sierra Nevada Mountains, so far from the sea he loved. Before World War II, he was a fisherman. Then, along with Laura’s father, her grandmother, and 10,000 other Japanese Americans, he was sent to the Manzanar War Relocation Center. There he died, and his grave is marked with only a ring of stones. The family leaves silk flowers, but Laura leaves her own special memento. — School Library Journal
So Far from the Sea

Three leprechauns can’t help but create a bit of mischief on their way to place their pot of gold at the bottom of the rainbow; that’s what leprechauns do! This spritely original tale, accompanied by energetic illustrations evokes the magic and mayhem often attributed to the Little Folk of Irish lore.
That’s What Leprechauns Do

A girl and her grandfather make a butterfly house that provides shelter for Painted Ladies even after the girl grows up. The cyclical nature of life is gently portrayed in handsome paintings and lyrical language.
The Butterfly House

A boy describes the trip he takes with his father to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Together, they look for the name of his grandfather, who died before he was born.
The Wall

In the 1850s, “Orphan Trains” carried children from New York City orphanages to new homes in the West. Many, like Marianne, hoped to be reunited with their parents. Though not all of the children found happiness, Marianne’s story provides hope and an introduction to an intriguing period in American history.
Train to Somewhere

Edward thinks he only wants a baby brother but when his parents come home with his new sibling, Edward is thrilled to meet baby Sara. Cartoon illustrations present the family and getting-ready-for-baby rituals accessibly and comfortingly.
Will It Be a Baby Brother?

Ten-year-old James is intrigued by the K-Bones, a local gang, and considers joining. But when his six-year-old brother witnesses him vandalize a sign, he begins to have second thoughts. A tough topic is handled in a brief but effective way, sure to launch discussion.