Better Learning Through Structured Teaching (Second Edition)
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ISBN 1416606351
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Purchase on AmazonIn this updated edition of the ASCD best-seller, Fisher and Frey dig deeper into the hows and whys of the gradual release of responsibility instructional framework. To gradually release responsibility is to equip students with what they need to be engaged and self-directed learners. On a day-to-day level, it means delivering lessons purposefully planned to incorporate four essential and interrelated instructional phases: (1) Focused Instruction: Preparing students for learning by establishing lesson purpose, modeling strategies and skills, thinking aloud, and noticing how students respond; (2) Guided Instruction: Strategically using prompts, cues, and questions to lead students to new understanding; (3) Collaborative Learning: Allowing students to consolidate their understanding through exploration, problem-solving, discussion, and thinking with their peers; and (4) Independent Learning: Requiring students to use the skills and knowledge they’ve acquired to create authentic products and ask new questions.