A range of poets introduce various aspects of African American history and culture. The alphabet is used as the device to introduce and organize the carefully selected poetry and stylized paintings to create an evocative whole.
Other books by this author

Jewel-toned watercolors adorn a collection of both well- and lesser-known spirituals, ideal for young voices. Musical arrangements for each are included in this handsome collection which won an award for its striking illustrations.
All Night, All Day: A Child’s First Book of African American Spirituals

Tales drawn from the oral tradition are retold with verve and musical language certain to delight listeners of all ages. Bryan’s paintings decorate each tale, bringing characters and plot vividly to life.
Ashley Bryan’s African Tales, Uh-huh

Unique puppets created from stones, shells and other found objects on a Maine beach launch stories and poems. In the hands of an award-winning master storyteller, poet, author and illustrator, each poem or tale becomes a memorable experience. Bryan and his puppets are shown in vibrant, full-color photographs.
Ashley Bryan’s Puppet: Making Something from Everything

“Well-loved illustrator Bryan’s pictures and recollections tell of his lifelong devotion to making and sharing art. His Antiguan-born parents sang, kept birds and sheltered orphans; they showed him how to resist convention and survive defeat. Drawing every day, as a soldier during WWII he kept his art supplies in his gas mask…Bryan honed his skills, overcame racism and discouragement, and thrived throughout 20th-century tumult. While the text forms a single narrative thread, the busy pages are laid out scrapbook-style on bright, overlapping rectangles of color, old family photos next to artwork next to call-outs of Bryan’s words in large type.” — Publisher’s Weekly
Ashley Bryan: Words to My Life’s Song

In a story of the Ila people of Zambia, the colorful birds of Africa ask Blackbird, whom they think is the most beautiful of birds, to decorate them with some of his “blackening brew.” The story line is simple and the rhythmic chants of the flock frequently interspersed throughout the text add drama and a rapper’s cadence to this award-winning book that is ready-made for participative storytelling.
Beautiful Blackbird

Original documents from an early 19th century Southern estate that appraised enslaved Africans provided the inspiration for original poems and powerful, full-page paintings of eleven individuals who were bought and sold. The result is very moving — portraits in poetry and image of enslaved people whose lives, aspirations, and hopes have been mostly anonymous — until now.
Freedom Over Me: Eleven Slaves, Their Lives and Dreams Brought to Life

Three well known spirituals, “This Little Light of Mine,” “When the Saints Go Marching In,” and “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” have been interpreted in vivid, jewel-toned illustrations and presented in a large format for a new generation. A bit of information about the songs’ history as well as musical notation for each are included.
Let It Shine: Three Favorite Spirituals

Have you ever wondered why there is thunder and lightning? Hear this Nigerian folktale and other tales (as well as original poems) retold and shared by a master storyteller, artist, and writer. Ashley Bryan’s distinctive style and resonant voice echo the techniques of traditional griots.
Poems and Folktales

Rhythmic, original poems combine lyrical, evocative language and gentle lessons in this attractively illustrated collection. Each original poem begs to be shared aloud and is sure to delight both reader and listener.