Hamilton Squidlegger is fearless! Well, almost. During the day he can best all the frackensnappers, skelecragons, and bracklesneeds in the swamp, but at night he quakes in terror. Will his father be able to help Hamilton remain fearless in his own mud all night?
Other books by this author

Edwin is a translucent ‘wiggleskin’ — a clam — who sheds his shell for the sake of adventure. Not only does he have a fabulous adventure but saves his clam clan from clam diggers. This quirky tale is fast-paced, funny, and illustrated in Ering’s high-energy style.
Necks Out for Adventure: The True Story of Edwin Wiggleskin

A stick-figure boy enlivens his dreary town called Cementland when he discovers and plants a treasure. To protect it from robbers, he creates a scarecrow-like creature from various paraphernalia but winds up befriending the thieves. Hand-written text ideally complements the rich, active illustrations.
The Story of Frog Belly Rat Bone

Captain Alfred is sailing home with new ducks for his farm when his little boat is caught in an unexpected and mighty storm. Everything aboard the ship is flung to the far reaches of the sea, including the very special and beautiful duck egg he had nestled safely inside his fiddle case. But perhaps all is not lost: the little duckling stumbles out of his shell and discovers Captain Alfred’s fiddle, floating not too far away in the waves. And when the duckling embraces the instrument with all his heart, what happens next is pure magic.