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It’s that time of year! Baseball season has officially started. Little leaguers are playing, summer teams are forming, and lots of people are heading to major and minor league ballparks. (I just bought stamps (opens in a new window) commemorating major league ballplayers.)

Even those who don’t play baseball are sure to find something exciting or inspiring in the season’s offerings. A new movie, 42 (opens in a new window), (not for young children) about Jackie Robinson made me think that baseball has sometimes made people rethink what’s possible, maybe even reconsider expectations, much like the brave subject of this movie did.

Is a “perfect game” possible? Rarely. Can a boy who is striving to pitch a no-hit, no walks, batters-up-batters-down game learn anything from a Special Olympics Unified Sports team? You bet.

And so can I from reading a new novel by Fred Bowen. In Perfect Game (opens in a new window) (Peachtree), Isaac has to rethink his idea of perfection when he works with a group of kids and one boy in particular.

It’s a baseball story for sure, with a fast-paced plot. But more. In an era where differences often lead to misunderstandings, it’s a timely book, too. It’s harder to dislike other people when you get to know them, when there’s a chance to walk the proverbial mile in another’s shoes.

This book is the kind of vicarious experience for both typical and special kids (I’d say 8 or 9 years old, though older kids will find something, too). It’s an ideal book for adults and children to share. It may lead to some thoughtful discussion about what’s important, how other people feel — and, of course, baseball. After all, it is the season!

About the Author

Maria Salvadore is Reading Rockets’ consultant for children’s literature and literacy. Maria curates our themed booklists and writes the blog, Page by Page, which explores the best ways to use kids’ books both inside and outside of the classroom. She leads parent workshops for Ready To Learn (RTL) at WETA Public Broadcasting in Washington, D.C. She has also taught children’s literature at the University of Maryland, reviewed books for School Library Journal, and has served on various book award committees, including the Boston Globe/Horn Book Awards, Golden Kite, and the Caldecott Committee.

Publication Date
April 17, 2013