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We’ve come a long way but there’s still more to do to change attitudes about books for children — especially books by or about those with other than European heritages.

A recent op-ed (opens in a new window) piece by noted writer, Nikki Grimes (opens in a new window), reminded me of that. At a library conference, Nikki was appalled to hear that some people who liked her books said they wouldn’t get them as they didn’t serve enough African American students. Her response was to emphasize that a good book is simply a good book for anyone.

What can and does literature do for readers? It provides a glimpse into other experiences vicariously; it can provide a fresh way of looking and seeing the world around us — and more, much more.

It’s been said that literature — especially for children — provides a mirror for them to see themselves reflected and perhaps validated as well as a window through which they can see other perspectives.

We certainly live in a hypersensitive era where it appears that a seemingly minor misstep can cause a huge brouhaha. It becomes especially apparent as Thanksgiving approaches — how do you handle native people in books for young children? What about Columbus? (Take a look at information on Colorín Colorado (opens in a new window) for insight and ideas.)

Becoming aware of and sensitive to others must begin in childhood. It takes time and education and awareness. And even if children live in homogeneous communities, they can meet different kinds of people through books.

About the Author

Reading Rockets’ children’s literature expert, Maria Salvadore, brings you into her world as she explores the best ways to use kids’ books both inside — and outside — of the classroom.

Publication Date
November 18, 2010

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Children’s Books