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Book Theme
Grade Level

Reading Maestros

Master teacher Dr. Rebecca Palacios runs a dual-language immersion preschool and mentors teachers-in-training on how to provide top-notch teaching in a preschool environment.

Understanding Themes

Robert Vettese uses the Theme Scheme method to help his third graders discuss complicated narratives.

Engaging Nonfiction Readers

In Salt Lake City, teacher Margaret Barnes uses a framework called CORI (Concept Oriented Reading Instruction) to teach reading comprehension skills to second and third graders.

Using Think-Pair-Share in the Classroom

Using think-pair-share in the classroom creates a collaborative learning environment where students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. 

Anticipation Guide

An anticipation guide is a comprehension strategy that is used before reading to activate students’ prior knowledge and build curiosity about a new topic.
