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My son started school today. Even though he’s in high school, some things never change.

He packed up his backpack neatly and with great care, filled with clean notebooks, capped pens, and uncluttered with superfluous papers.

That’ll soon change — and has ever since my well-organized, basically neatnik son got his first backpack in 2nd grade.

I was reminded of the infamous backpack when I read Kevin O’Malley’s (opens in a new window) book called Backpack Stories (opens in a new window) (Albert Whitman). There are four tales in this funny, offbeat picture book — all with O’Malley’s characteristic (and slightly madcap) humor.

Not only do the stories remind readers — adults included — of what happens with backpacks, there is potential to introduce satire in a straightforward comic book style, maybe start to explore the relationship between word and image (or even text as image), and even explore “what if.”

This funny look at backpacks may just lighten kids’ loads as they head off to school. And it sure served as a reminder to me to make sure to check the contents regularly!

About the Author

Reading Rockets’ children’s literature expert, Maria Salvadore, brings you into her world as she explores the best ways to use kids’ books both inside — and outside — of the classroom.

Publication Date
September 2, 2009