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Learning That’s Hands-On Holiday Fun (Pre-K)


Learning That’s Hands-On Holiday Fun (Pre-K)

Focus on reading readiness and enjoy winter holidays at the same time with these simple activities you can incorporate into your preschooler’s daily routine.

Simple activities to try

Focus on reading readiness and enjoy winter holidays at the same time with these simple activities you can incorporate into your preschooler’s daily routine:

  • Winter’s chill offers a different medium for writing and drawing. Let your children “write” on frosted windows or in the snow.
  • On short trips to the store or holiday vacations to visit family or friends, play this game to help your preschooler recognize different sounds. Say “We’re going to the store. What sound do you hear in the beginning of the word store? It’s the /s/ sound. What else starts with /s/ that we can get at the store?” (or, “What are we bringing to grandma’s house that starts with /g/?”)
  • In conversation about holiday celebrations, introduce interesting and new words to your preschooler. For example, “Dad got a plethora of ties last year. Since he has so many ties, let’s get him a different gift.” or “I like our family tradition of baking cookies together. It is something we do every year that I really enjoy.”
  • Let your preschooler have a hand in holiday list-making. Even if it is just sitting with you as you write a shopping list, your preschooler will benefit from exposure to the power and practicality of literacy.
  • Set aside time just for reading. Curl up on the couch together and read aloud an old favorite or check out books about another culture’s winter celebrations.

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