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Ready-for-School Checklist

Is your preschooler ready for school? The Education Department prepared this checklist to help guide parents as they prepare their child for school.

The following checklist, although not exhaustive, can help to guide you as you prepare your child for school. It’s best to look at the items on the list as goals toward which to aim. They should be accomplished, as much as possible, through everyday routines or by enjoyable activities that you’ve planned with your child. If your child lags behind in some areas, don’t worry. Remember that children grow and develop at different rates.

Good health and physical well-being

My child:

___ Eats a balanced diet

___ Gets plenty of rest

___ Receives regular medical and dental care

___ Has had all the necessary immunizations

___ Runs, jumps, plays outdoors and does other activities that help       develop his large muscles and provide exercise

___ Works puzzles, scribbles, colors, paints and does other activities that       help develop her small muscles

Social and emotional preparation

My child:

___ Is learning to explore and try new things

___ Is learning to work well alone and to do many tasks for himself

___ Has many opportunities to be with other children and is learning to       cooperate with them

___ Is curious and is motivated to learn

___ Is learning to finish tasks

___ Is learning to use self-control

___ Can follow simple instructions

___ Helps with family chores

Language and general knowledge

My child:

___ Has many opportunities to talk and listen

___ Is read to every day

___ Has access to books and other reading materials

___ Is learning about print and books

___ Has his television viewing monitored by an adult

___ Is encouraged to ask questions

___ Is encouraged to solve problems

___ Has opportunities to notice similarities and differences

___ Is encouraged to sort and classify things

___ Is learning to write her name and address

___ Is learning to count and plays counting games

___ Is learning to identify and name shapes and colors

___ Has opportunities to draw, listen to and make music and to dance

___ Has opportunities to get first-hand experiences to do things in the       world-to see and touch objects, hear new sounds, smell and taste       foods and watch things move

Excerpted from: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Communications and Outreach. (2005). Helping Your Preschool Child. Washington, DC: Author.